Little light filter and wane Cold winds rising again For the years where seven meant twelve Where seasons could feel like time born anew
Love dominating our worldview All for adventure shared between friends, two Now the world, forgotten and new Continues to grow, just as the trees once faded from view In the mirror where I said goodbye to you
Lights of distant futures idly pass by Not in the iris of a loved one's eye Rather the lowered box around which the gathered cry
Selling all these years out from under you Tonight, or yesteryear, a hundred months ago Just the sweetest bit of mind for a momentary respite The colour and taste of a heart unbidden by time A machination of the human crime
Cold winds low and gentle Warm winds high and dry The sound of rain as cars drive by
An upstairs I haven't seen in years now long gone In places where not even my memories I could rely The only safe spaces to say goodbye
To a friend, all I can offer aside from my thoughts