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Oct 2016
It's interesting how a day can so quickly be ruined.
One second,
But the next second,
And it's you.

Blood begins to boil because there are two reasons for your notification.
You're lonely.
You're trying to convince me that I was wrong.

Funny how when someone is gone,
That is when you are willing to change.
All the things you did,
All the horrible ideas you believed,
Convinced yourself to be true,
Never listening to a single word,
Not one single syllable,
That exited my lips,
Because you were so dogmatic.

But now,
Oh now that I'm gone,
You want to hear my side.
Why is it better now than it was before?
You say you want to change,
Yet you're still the same,
Just in different ways.

Selfishness is running through your veins,
You only cared about me two times.
When I was leaving the state,
When I was leaving your life.

Sorry, but I'm not going to drink from your fountain,
Your fountain of,
Because guess what?
Maybe now I'm resolute,
And I have my own doctrine I follow,
And this is how it goes.

Rule number one,
I will be confident in myself,
I don't need you to tell me who to be,
Who to be friends with,
Or who respects me.
Rule number two,
I'm going to be free.
I'm going read what I want,
Write what I want,
Sing what I want,
Explore where I want,
Without the two voices telling me to stop:
The voice of doubt in my head,
And you.
Rule number three,
I will not waste my time.
I do not always need to explain myself.
Sometimes people need to accept,
That I know what will make me happy,
And just because it isn't the same for you,
Does not mean that it isn't valid.
Rule number four,
I'm going to be happy.
And I'm not saying I wasn't happy before,
But I can always strive for more.

I'm sorry that things are not the same,
I'll still be a friend,
Just not your slave.
When you're ready to accept this give me a call,
Until then though,
Please, just say nothing at all.
Morgan Kelly
Written by
Morgan Kelly
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