I am weeping for the trees And for the grass, and for the flowers. I am weeping for the souls And the soulless, and the soulful.
When I tune my brain correctly All I can feel is deep, throbbing, horrid pain. And I wonder if anyone could feel the pain I feel, Would they weep with me?
I feel the pain of the animals in the plants, I feel their blood-curdling screams looping Over and over until it's all I can hear. I feel the abuse and depression in every creature who knows they will be violently slaughtered.
I feel the pain of mother nature. She is asking, "why do you destroy the gifts I have given you?" She is crying, "nobody is listening to my warnings, The droughts, the storms, the disasters"
I feel the pain of human beings I feel the pain they know not yet that they feel. That each and every one of them is enslaved, bred, and controlled. Maybe we aren't so different from the cattle on our plate.
I feel the pain of the creatures in the ocean Who are lucky if they don't ingest poison early on in their lifetime, Who are lucky if they don't get caught in plastic Or in a net, to suddenly-slowly dehydrate and die.
I feel, mostly the pain of our creator, Who goes by many different names. That they created us to learn and grow, and love, and spread love Yet, all anyone can focus on is their own gain.
I am weeping for the world Because the weight is pushing down on me. I am weeping for the souls Who are overwhelmed by the pain and cry with me.