boy, but does she shine like a light, a star, the sun and moon combined.
like the wind in your face, like a breeze blanketing, like the steady dream you work for, like the long-awaited rest; see, she is the calm in the sky, the ocean, your heart – she is the quiet in the forest, the softness of each movement.
she is a soft sprout, the grass beneath your feet and the tree who arches her branches above you. she is the good soil and all the things in bloom, the water running clean and cold and sweet; she, who knows nothing but to give, and give, and give – a beauty that runs good and goes deep.
(and people, they so easily forget how she is as well the thunder, the lightning, the storm meeting the shores, a wolf howl at her core. don’t be fooled. know how she is both hellfire and candlelight.)