I'm on the porch Watching the rain Dance on the sidewalks Wishing I could get soaked And saturated in love expressed by heaven's tears She's tired of letting the sun outrule her She's tired of pretending to be okay And I get it Because I'm at that moment too
It's about time to head home
Maybe the sky is sobbing because I can't hear you yell my name I can't hear you telling me that it's getting late
As if I'm going to be exposed to some deadly disease As if nature was bad for me As if nature wasn't kind
But then, again, I wish your voice had been louder I never got to hear it really
I wish the clouds weren't throwing tantrums Demanding to be heard Begging to be wanted I silently almost pleaded with the skies to stop
I wanted to hear your melancholic call I wanted to hear you say my name again and again I wanted to be wanted just like the atmosphere wanted to let it all out
But most of all, I wanted you to have run after me as I walked away Pretending I didn't notice you beckoning me
You almost broke That was the closest I had seen your walls be shattered You didn't notice me looking at you but I saw it in your eyes
We were all crying Not only could I tell by your heaving figure in the corner of my eye Not only could we tell by the banks of water pitter-pattering But I started crying after I turned the corner And that's because you didn't chase me You didn't follow me
I knew it before I started heading in the opposite direction Because you knew I'd be gone for awhile
But I'd always come back
I always had hoped you'd open up to me
If I disappeared It might have started an argument
At least I would know if you cared
It'd be after midnight When I'd start to walk back home Long before the rain stopped
And you'd be there Waiting for me
As if I had never left As if I deserved nothing Nothing new But silence And a *cold shoulder