I would wonder what happened to the nightmares that were vanquished by my father, as I was a lingering in repetition of night terrors.
He had held me in implications of what was unseen in his eyes but birthed on my brow in lingering sweat, never was his thoughts of his own only mine confused.
He would rock me too thoughts of a rocking chair, that nodded me of to a simpler sleep. And he would wait to see If shadows pierced that thin veil between dreams and a silent night.
I awoke one morning in the arms of my father, his eye black, and I asked what happened daddy? He said the darkness tried to make you cry so I asked politely for then to quietly leave.
"excuse me please leave my son in slumber,
I whispered words in your ears, I know where you live, in the darkness and this is light,
Turning on the light of a hallway drowned out a voice deep inside you, and in there final yearing to grow inside but quenched washed away in light it hit back and faded. And that's what happened to daddies eye and I'm proud.
The light will always be on too show those dreams that daddy is in the light and will always be here for you.