So this guy is dying in a recovery bed Out of surgery obviously not successful because he is dying and his wife is watching her husband, brain dead dying and there is a montage of his moments with his wife their life together telling his wife he loves her forever..... but together
And this montage, its of the life they lived. I am crying to it, so hard I'm not super attached to the characters It's just sad. really sad. but the music choice, its a remix the slow remix ones, they get me and me not knowing where we are, I love you. where are we. And you don't love me back the way I need you too. where are we really?
You and I could be something really real. So real I want to spend my life with you It scares me that I can know this 20 years old And I know for 20 more Or 50 That I could wake up beside you and be content with my decision.
I think we could be really real. Why are you scared of something that feels good And right And real
I am too but I ignored it
And this is where it got me. crying about you while I watch Grey's Anatomy