Ran the world's belt to step outside And breathe crisp air so fine, To mount the seas of emerald green And kiss soils poured with wine.
Stepped upon a thousand grains of sand Buried deep within the crystal snow, To find some clarity in a looking glass But where it lies I'll never know.
Treaded on rocks to touch the sun And stroke the moon's white face, To pray for time and not for sin And bask in silence's grace.
Past the icy peaks and tumbling rocks Where avalanches bring news today, It's hard to keep spinning with the world When there's no path to walk the way.
Too much has come and passed before, Yet too little has been seen On riverbeds and meadows of green And mountaintops with lustrous sheen.
In canyon creeks I'll lay my head To rest through this quiet night. Though the wild is dark to open eyes, The songs it sings will bathe me in light;
It whispers, Carry me up these stairs Hold me against your arms Let me down on the ground made of clouds In the way marked up above.