I am a dear "friend" of yours Yes, you know me well If you know my name or not Only time will tell.
There's a rave that's going on A place that I have found Kids! You need to go there! Tho it's 6 feet underground...
All dressed up? Ready to go? I tell you... it's a blast! You won't know it's a furnace And the pain will always last.......
There's party treats for everyone! Maggots are just grand! There's no food or water But there's a Mega Band!
Come! We're getting closer! And I have a hunch That you won't mind the sulfur No, you won't mind the stench
What's that noise, you ask me? Oh... it's not what it seems! Those are the amped-up guitars NOT a-g-o-n-i-z-e-d screeeeams!
Don't mind the cuts & scratches Don't mind all the flies Don't mind that I am uglier I'm losing my disguise...
Oh, are you uncomfortable? Is it getting HOT in here? Well, sorry, there ain't any punch Much less any beer...
Yes, it IS most very DARK It's very black and dank Are you having trouble breathing? Is the odor getting rank?
Ah! Now you see the lava Is leaving your desire? Sorry, your ticket was one-way To the burning lake of fire...
Yes, regret's your portion For your soul you did sell You'll be here e--t--e--r--n--a--l--l--y
I Welcome You to Hell.
SoulSurvivor (C) 6/28/2016
The devil is "glamorous". God is "boring".
Some say there's a party in hell. Do you really want to test that theory?
If I come across as harsh in this or any of my other poetry, it's not because I DON'T CARE. IT'S BECAUSE I DO!
I don't hate YOU... I HATE THE DEVIL! WITH A P-A-S-S-I-O-N!!!
I want to destroy his works. And one of those works is his deception. There are actually a lot of people who believe there's a party in hell. Or that they will live forever in their current bodies and never experience it. Or that there is no hell.
THERE IS AN ACTUAL PLACE CALLED HELL! I cry like a baby when I hear about people who believed the above. Who believe there are many lifetimes if you don't get it "right" the first time.
Say this prayer...
Father God. Please forgive me for my disobedience and rebelliousness. I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart! I want to change! Forgive me my trespasses. I forgive all those who have hurt me.
Lord Jesus. I know that you died on the cross for my sins. That you rose on the third day. That your blood can purify me and to make me acceptable in the eyes of Father God. I accept your gift of salvation. Please come into my heart. Change Me From the Inside Out! As it says in your word...
" for he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
Come Holy Spirit and fill me from head to toe. Teach me. Comfort me. Guide me.
I believe the Trinity is real. I believe I am now a child of God. Hallelujah!
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. AMEN.
Say that prayer out loud with your whole heart! Your destiny could be changed