Every time I finally start to overcome And from my feelings find the strength to run; There, around the corner, are my memories waiting, And I suddenly begin to realize that my strength is quickly fading.
It doesn't seem to ever long enough last. I never seem to truly overcome my past. It haunts me in my dreams whether I'm asleep or awake. It knocks me down and beats me till once again I break.
I try so hard, I really do, I try my best to look forward to Every good thing that will come from this pain, And every little gift I'll in the end gain.
I know that everything has happened for a reason, I only wonder at what time or in which season? When will the past at last be behind me? What must I do to find you to come find me?
How long will it take, I've truly begun to wonder, When I no long hear this passing thunder; The clash-clanging reminder of that which has been, To finally see the sun along with a newly best friend?
Again I say my best is being done, To this drenching pain at last overcome. Yes I'm doing my best to weather the storm Still it's leaving me feeling so battered and worn.