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May 2016
I heard you whisper
...that poem to me
You're right here...
where you should be

I heard you whisper...
sweet poetry in my ear
and all I hear...
....just draws me...
to you
and I now
I just can't breathe

Feels like we are too far
in between the pages
our spirit and our soul feels like I am whole...
And your beauty is...
everything to me.

You told me ....
my everything
that it would be alright
that I have nothing that I should fear
should have pushed you from my ears?
I know...
something that I just can't fight
at least
not for tonight
so alright....
I'll just..

And listen to the crickets
and the blinding stars
And be thankful for
just where we are
In these tight fitting arms...
Your intoxicating
magic charm ...
you've got me

At least
... if you..
my everything ...
if tonight it's just a dream
It seems....
I have found you under my covers only....
one true
....midnight lover

Though I'd be totally remiss
if I did not wish
.... for such soft and perfect
pillow kisses
on my neck...
what the heck...
yes....that's the place
and touch your beautifully...
familiar face
so that I...
... can retrace...
our love.

It sends me off...
to the farthest recesses of our outer space...
without a trace..I'm gone

And in your deep
..... sweet voice...
it's seeping in...
when we got lost
in endless nights
in long pillow talks
and on our passionedΒ Β lovers walk...
I wish that I could...
....Keep you here with me
though I know..
that you are free
I am praying

Eyes open....I blink my eyes
then close them tight
... and quickly realize
It's just a dream...
I'd really wish
I could scream..
I want to thank you
for stopping here
my darling...
my love...
my dearest...dear
and dropping off of such a beautiful memory....
letting me see you again...
and giving me the chance
to finally ...
Past love...:) Still coming from nowhere, thanks everyone!
Ma Cherie
Written by
Ma Cherie  F/Somewhere in Vermont....
(F/Somewhere in Vermont....)   
   ---, The Dedpoet, Stephan and ---
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