and when i think of childhood i think of all the time i spent looking at the clouds all the moments made laughing up at the stars the beauty of human interaction and the way my mum smiled when i smiled or the way my grandmother's face twisted when she told a lie my jokes were never funny but i heard her laughter ringing in my ears do you hear that sweet music through your earphones?
i still have a mental map carrying me where google hasn't found over and over again i follow the pathways that lead me towards the treasure, that giant 'X' my feet are ripping open, sore from chasing it when will i find it again? why can't i find it again? reach out to me, save me.
the key to childhood is to be a child but my days are gone, so why do i keep walking why am i the only one walking? why is everyone else stagnant? where has childhood gone, not mine but yours why can't i return to it? reach out to them, please save them they don't know what they have. why are they letting it go unnoticed?
the treasure, i see it at their feet the treasure i can no longer discover it taunts me, it escapes them why am i now paused? let them press pause. don't keep them on fast forward they're going too quickly, but why do they look frozen?
is this the world without childhood? the treasure at their feet disappears this is the world with technology
reach out, please save them.
this poem was written by me between the making of my art pieces as i was most inspired then. the use of lower casing was done mainly to remove formality from the writing, however, to me it’s aesthetically pleasing as well.