I am a child of the stars Conceived from stardust And sketched from the kisses of Orion.
I am a child of Jupiter Formulated from the amber streaks that pinch my frame together And the unknown beneath the surface.
I am the child of the Milky Way From the exploding stars that burrowed in my eyes and my heart And the nebulas that are trying to piece themselves together.
I am a part of the sky that happened to fall down and bruise my skin with dirt From the bones under the grass And the charcoal smudges speckling my back.
I am a child of the black hole Whispered into my ear and filled my brain with darkness And rests in the bottom of my stomach.
I am a child of the sun That puts the warmth in my body And fight the darkness in my head.
I am the child of the stars Conceived from stardust.