A searing night. A price tallied out and settled up. I'm sipping down the size of the smaller plights of times like these in towns with bloodshot eyes.
Your coyote grin, the gravel in my creosote laughter were paving the longest paths to saving graces and filling up deaf ears.
I'm spilling every ounce of all my guts on your ears in the alley where I threw up last year when I disappeared from your birthday.
Your coyote grin, eyes glistenin', you laughed kinda quiet while walking. Familiar paths. We're talking crazy through bitter whiskey sneers.
But I think, this hot night, I'm ready to believe...
Between the asphalt and the stars
Between the almost-fights and rushing cars
Between the blurring downtown bars...
We'll find some common ground. The town's lit up, we'll trickle down to a point of least resistance where we can bid farewell to arms.
Or I'll find my way back home to 1130 Longstaff where my walls can close me in.