A sapphire raceme, Symbolic dimples, Radiciform, Ak-Shabreeze, consecrated; Impeccable temple's.
None remembrance, of bygone vice, Resumption of the new; perpetual Life. Ramate by ourn rib's, sedated By the paradisiacal.
Levitating toes, aloft the colored covenant, O'er the bended bow, of God's plan's that Art meant. We yaw the pleasant valley's, We strum the lyre's of ahava; taking Slowly to ourn peach rim's, desired Coconut and guava.
Yealing's of another time, artist's of the third peculiar mind, by the creator's Design; finding another, amid the Pearlescent hue.
Raceme- central stem with flowers on small stalks. Radiciform- means- like a root. Ak-shabreeze- word I made meaning ( riding the storm's) Bygone- past or former times Vice- immoral or wicked behaviors. ( sins) Resumption- the action of beginning something again after a pause or interruption. Ramate- branched. paradisiacal- of or relationship to or like or paradise. Aloft- up above Colored covenant I mean the covenant God gave to man kind with a rainbow telling man he's never gonna flood us again as he did. Though in the end renewal comes by fire... O'er the bended bow. - means over the bended rainbow. Yaw- means to move side to side. Lyre- is an ancient like harp thing that would have been played in ancient Israel during king David's time...it's heavenly!!!! Ahava- Hebrew word for love. Peach rims- me and Jane lips... . Yealings- are people of same age. I dont mean earth wise I mean in heaven. Everyone looks about same age alot of stories I've heard and when die old you go to about thirties or so. Quite amazing!!! Of course if in heaven!!!! Pearlescent- resembles pearl like colors. Or resembles Pearl...
Note- this is second spoken one I posted on SoundCloud as well. Just look me up Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud.com you can find this title of the poem. At end of poem speaking one I sing a bit... Romantically of course lol. Enjoy thanks for reading poets!!! Below is what to look up on SoundCloud. Thanks everyone. (Finding another, amid the pearlescent hue) SoundCloud. Com