There is a certain truth about knowing, And you purposely act ignorant for their honor, Because you simply want to accept that person as they are.
Show compassion to people you know are liars, Because you hope person next to them may be burden less, And maybe show life as we know it isn't so bad after all?
It is becoming much harder to play as a village fool who know not, And still keep compassion to fellow human beings knowing, But still there is bit of child in me to better humanity while not to give up.
Living long generates wisdom, But I feel showing love to humanity with wisdom is a struggle
In brief moments of being in reality with the sight of truth, As we share common gratitude towards those in need.
Maybe.... Just maybe....... With a smile, Little grace goes far!
No one will be perfect, But in imperfection shall we find our personal perfection, For it is human nature to be simply us.