we're bombarded by the American Dream but what we fail to realize is that to dream, you have to be asleep but remember, your soul is your own to keep
False consciousness runs rampant through the world Ninety percent of American media owned by the same five companies makes TV and the news seem so mundane but when I think, I realize it's all of us to blame
the only power the system has is what we give we need to let go of hate, and let live when in Rome you step outside your comfort zone, and when you expand your horizons, the whole world can make you feel alone,
what I've come to realize is there is so much more than this when we die all of our fear gives way to bliss and on that spiritual transformation we can let go of what we miss In each of our crowns lies the infinite and we know that it doesn't matter, all the petty ****
According to Marx, economy is the root of society and in capitalism, our thirst for money is ironic and funny We seek to provide for ourselves and those we love but when we have to much, the hand doesn't fit the glove
In every cellphone, laptop, and gaming device lies a mineral mined behind our blind eyes tantalum is mined in the Congo, and in 2000 people were forced from their poor housing to mine this mineral so you and I could get a ps2 from Santa, while they barely got by
I've learned even the poorest here, Have opportunities barely realized, We can change the world if we dismantle disguise There is a balance for everything,
You can't have capitalism without socialism, our social structure is but a prism
I'm going to edit this one a bunch because there is so much to be said and I have so much inspiration for this poem. I hope you guys like it, and if you couldn't tell it's really politically motivated #feelthebern