From a distance he was just another guy As he approached, his face familiar. He treaded through the grass unashamedly. I looked at him He at me. We knew. No longer part of the fun we once had A two second glance Not even awkward. We knew. He looked ahead and forgot about me like those many moons ago We have departed one and others lives Thought the memories crisp like an old photograph There are many. They still exist in my head Though I barely look because it hurts. It hurts that humans are temporary In every sense of the word We hate each other now, like bitter old lovers We weren't. It wasn't love. We were friends We partied. We danced. We sang. All of this enveloped by naivety Youth brought us together And it also tore us apart I hold no regrets For a learned a lot. About myself, but also others Most importantly, the frailty of friendship The passing of time The innocence of youth I learnt in that moment, People come and go And often they chose when to enter Whether it be bad or good It is a lesson to us all, to just live a little Care less Love more Never forget the past for it made us.
Sitting in Kelvingrove Park when I noticed someone I once knew and partied with. It brought up a whole load of memories which made me reflect about life and the frailty of friendship.