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Jan 2016
It could have been dirtier if I had not shot myself,
After being disheartened by a cheating wife.

Now you might ask what dirtier than blood on the ceiling,
Even dirtier than a bullet through my lower jaw?

Yes I answer.

If I had chosen to stay alive,
And fix the matter once & for all.

If I had barged into her privacy,
Into the indecent incandescence.

If I had not shot myself,
And had shot them both.

Then my honour would have suffered,
Court martial is far worse than that.

I was tired from killing terrorists,
And I loved her too much to hurt her.

Even so, had I not promised her dad,
That I'll care about her just as he did.

And, had I not promised her mother,
That I'll hurt her never ever ever...?

So I chose the easier way,
I just shot myself dead.

Now she'll live peaceably,
And even I will definitely.

Not worrying about what they say,
Not worrying about the government,
Not worrying about the nation now.

I just hope my buddies will take care,
Of their own & the national security.
Part 2/3 of Indecent Incandescence

My HP Poem #953
©Atul Kaushal
Written by
Àŧùl  33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ
(33/M/Gòràkhpùr - Bháràŧ)   
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