They crawl like centipedes in my thoughts So many feet crawl inside as each step is Falling like tears on my reflection so do Words echo not of my own conscience.
Words repeat, heeding their twisted wanting's Never gathered upon my shores. But waves Realise eagerly on my shores eroding my Minds cliffs falling into unclear thoughts.
Confused vision of a sight now seen, not through The perception of one but many that are witnessed On the feeling that is entwinedΒ Β in many confused And different thoughts. My voice needs to be heard.
I am one in the pool of many but I must swim alone In a sea of sharks. Each wishing to take a bite, but Never getting close enough. I went fishing caught All that were there, now they swim in a tank in solitude.
They call to me, but I never feed them in .confined waters They now swim And my subconscious is free of whispers That flooded my thoughts. I heard many voice echoing Within, but now they are echoes shadows disappearing.
**"My thoughts are echoes of me, but sometime I fear their not,