I contradict myself. I am in love with the human body, for it is delicate and intricate. I believe all bodies should be cherished because they all hold some form of beauty. Yet I also believe that I will never be good enough- Horribly insecure and loathing the flesh that wraps itself around my bones. Some days, I am in love with the different parts of my body, like my hazel eyes that sparkle in sunlight or the romantic curve of my lips or the way my wrists reveal the blue veins underneath. Other times, I despise myself. Tears well up and fog my vision. With quivering lips, I reach for a blade to cut out those god forsaken veins. Why can't I love myself as much as I love everything and everyone else? I am in love with the human body, but for some reason, only mine is not good enough. I contradict myself in ways like this.
And I hope to god I am the only one who feels this way.