I was danglin' my feet off the edge of that pretty throne called Childhood.. swinging up and down and all aroun' twistin, sometimes just dangling my feet, twin tin'...
and all the while, My pappies were standing by the picnic table, talking about how sad it was that they ******* a man.. ruined his life in fact.. and well, after all , thats just how it's gotta Be it was accident and all... sort of
and I heard 'em telling a lie in fact!! a Whole Lie about this guy!! an wasn't even nothin' that took place.. Nothin!! and not one of 'um.. with enough integrity to say anything
so I sat there swinging.. thinking 'bout it all... then, I heard a man come up and say "problem solved ...he done killed himself..."
and it was then, that I saw the LIFE leave their bodies everyone of them.. except ONE.....
lifted up like smoke just left em... knowing what they'd done lied, hated.. ruined a person, took away his Name...his hope..
left 'em, with all the children unfinished.. not one son grown up yet
So I asked that One... what are gonna do?
and I Saw him Look... and SEE the legacy of his Life standing out like a Vision of the Grand Canyon Pristine like....
and then suddenly, there was rivers inky Blackness flown' like crazy... running thru the hollows running, like a River of unstoppable Magnitude cutting through Rock like it was Nothin'
creating a whole new World of UNDERSTANDING.....
and he turned to me and said... I'm gonna make it Right For your Pappy...
and He did. He saved my Life. He fixed my breathing...
We really just want to be Love.. Love is its own Power.. No one has it...