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Nov 2015
Reaching my hand to steal
"Dont do that"
If it were done to you how would you feel.

Fixing my mouth to cause pain with words
"Remember how when it was said to you it deeply hurt".

Raising a hand to impact a person
with angry vengeful forces and painful purpose.
"The one who hits another is the one who suffers the most "
You know this.
I hear your  voice stopping me.
It's  working.

One day my eyes close and all i see is white.
My heart gives out and void fills life.

I see you and i hear you calling to me.

It was you, it was you teaching me my wrong doings.

Lord you saved me in life  and the after.

I thank you and apologize for what i did if it matters.

That voice never leaves my head,
Always directing my biggest steps.

I had to stop and listen to you for me to know any better.
And i know now that you are here with me and you are speaking to me from heaven.
K Alexys
Written by
K Alexys
   Celeste and Randolph L Wilson
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