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brandon nagley
Nov 2015
Predicted long ago
Mankind destroyeth another
Predicted long ago;
Mankind killeth sister and brother
Predicted long ago;
Mankind plundereth the earth
Predicted long ago;
Mankind eliminates the newborn
Stained blood upon church snow;
Mankind terminates with weapon's
Predicted long ago;
Mankind to God they get angry and question
Predicted long ago;
Mankind escapeth with addiction
Predicted long ago;
Truth bringer's sit in prison
Predicted long ago;
Politicians ****** with unlawful invention's
Predicted long ago;
Immoral parading of falsehood
Predicted long ago;
Thugs and dope in the neighborhood's
Predicted long ago;
Earthquake's in diverse places
Predicted long ago;
Mankind changing natural faces
Predicted long ago;
Mankind of their father the devil
Predicted long ago;
Mankind worshipping hell's level
Predicted long ago;
War's and rumour's of war
Predicted long ago;
Syria turning to a ruinous heap
Predicted Isaiah 17:1,
For thou whom don't know.
Murderer's stealeth for keep's
Predicted long ago;
Beast's dressing up as sheep
Predicted long ago;
Hatred from their bellies
They get hired on whom they know.
Dollar bills come to naught
Whilst debt in every abode grows.
Unorthodox affection's
Like bloomed flower's show.
Sign's in the sun and moon
Predicted long ago;
Prophet's telleth truth beyond the tomb
Predicted long ago;
The world is in chaos
Predicted long ago;
Iran joining with Russia
Predicted long ago;
China practicing for war games
Predicted long ago;
Revelation 9:16, nuclear bang,
An Oriental blow;
A false prophet to bring religion's together
Predicted long ago;
With the Antichrist as his helper
Predicted long ago;
Underground shelter's
Where rich men hide their woes.
Whilst some prediction's hath happened already
Predicted long ago;
More art being fulfilled
Predicted long ago;
More to cometh
Predicted long ago;
Soon Christ's light shalt shineth
Predicted long ago;
Every man to bow their feature's
Predicted long ago;
King of king, lord of Lord's
Whom many hath rejected before all they know.
Broken glass in blown out stores
Predicted long ago;
A disappearance of many Christian's(rapture)
Predicted long ago;
World war three
At the step's of thou
And me;
Predicted long ago.......
©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Written by
brandon nagley
Earl Jane
Nico Allentine
Mysterious Aries
A Lopez
6 others
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