Afire is mine aura as I soar over thine spirit to get a peek. I seeith being, living, animation, the light ive alway's sought, The abode I shalt alway's keep, afore didst I weep, and I couldst not sleep, mine anguish once didst creep; as Poe with his raven.
Though now do I rejoice, for thee I shalt shout in conquering the celestial's, I shalt reverberate in thine mind, mine voice; leaving flashes of comforting butterfly song's moist. None need for other women, none question's for choice, for thou art mine one and only.
Amour' evident, not phony, bower me rosas ng diyos: in thine core I feeleth *****. None more brine from ourn sight's, just water of life flowing, none dismay or might's, none distress or downward flight's, just gliding together, two bird's of a feather.
Two birds of a feather saying means... Pretty much two people same interests... Or two of the same people making them one... Afore means before... Didst is archaic for do also did.. Bower means- surround me or shade or enclose.. rosas ng diyos- means ( rose of God) Filipino tongue ***** means comfortable like at home. Brine is saltwater...