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Nov 2015
i felt your hot breaths on my face
the extreme anticipation as your lips neared mine
i felt the warmth coming from your embrace
the synchronization of our hearts' beats
i felt the perfection as our fingers intertwined
the silence in the air but the noise in my emotions
i felt the way your hair brushed against me
the way it hid your face from time to time
i felt the motion as your curled up to my side
the safety and security i knew i had
i felt the intensity as my name matched with your sleepy voice
the sound of sweet serenity

i felt the morning sun rising up to shine upon everything
the night has faded, the moment has ended
i felt my eyes opening up to the feeling of loneliness
the empty side to my right desiring your presence
i felt the need for you so much
the person i may never have on the same bed

i felt it
the dream
Written by
Tsaa  PHL
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