Thick black clouds, stormy winds, heavy rains, torrential downpour, everything is over It’s time now to move out .
Step by step, one step at a time Every step directed towards destination.
Let it run Let it flow Let it go along with the flow.
When gushes of water come in between the legs, let the water run, let it flow so as to reach it's marked destination.
Never allow the water to remain contained in one place Never stop the flow, in fact let the rainwater flow on it's own Let it go away on it's own along with the flow.
Life continues, which means that time does not stop, since time and tide waits for none.
Try to be a part of the present moment in time Move ahead, keeping in mind the present moment in time.
The future remains uncertain At some point of time in the present the future will get ascertained. The uncertainty with regards to future keeps every thought going on in the mind with regards to the present and future on hold. Still the present moment in time has always been important The present moment in time will decide all the responsibilities that need to be handled with caution and care in the present and also in future.
Every effort in present is made to gain excellence An attempt is always made in the present to ascertain the future as much as possible The future still remains uncertain Still in the present moment an individual moves ahead expecting to make more efforts in the time that is yet to come, all this to gain the desired level of excellence.
Keep moving along with the flow Never stop the train of thought Let the thoughts going on in the mind, keep coming and going on their own. Streamline them.
One by one each and every thought will get it's priority position Followed by streamlining of thoughts will be planning and line of action that needs to be taken. Focus will always matter the most when it comes to moving ahead along with the flow towards the new destination Till reaching upon the new destination keep going along with the flow.