Animal Human He creates What he conceives Once Created appears Before him He knows not where it came from He believes it to be him
He who can witness He who can reach the realm of the spirits, Beyond all created, Beyond all conceived, Is not animal But divine
Divine's realms only seen WhenΒ Β creation the illusion understood The layer of color and caste must go The layer of status must go The layer of religion must go The layer of riches must go The layer of politics must go For the All-encompassing Divine Needs None
All-encompassing Divine IS Where all created a thin layer Where color and caste thinner than thin layers Where religion thinner than thin layer Where riches thinner than thin layer Where politics thinner than thin layer Where Divine the Essence Where Divine the Majesty Where Divine the Immeasurable Where Divine the Timeless Where Divine the Stillness Retracted Within Rested Within