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Oct 2015
To  take  a  leap
Into the unknown
            Is terrifying        
       For comets do flow
         On the Tao on their own!
Alter the sweet sparks
Sizzle and crack
In bliss and surprise
      ~Where do you go Poet~
                 with divine affection
only mortal poems know how to
Hold on the edge of You~
  Transcendence that soothes me~
         Feathers from your flight~
             Consciously chased by
                  Impermanence of    
                 Vivacious streams
        Transforming into the Raven
   Whisperings of your favorite
       Fountainescue poetry books
  Radiance aglow~quadrophonics
Unutterably enchanting
     Glorious Swans of Sound Nebulae
         Swimming Endlessly~on Thou~
                 Laser beam gaze to my heart's
            Golden dream Fabulae.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic love/ox
Impeccable Space Poetess
Written by
Impeccable Space Poetess  Life♡Love
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