The sun undresses its silky rays before the blushing earth.
The earth gazes, her sapphire eyes soak in the glimmering shot of dawn. The moon hide away, curving against the hangnail of light. Stars scintillate their last dust of evening.
“You always act like you’ve never seen me before.” The sun removes another layer. “Like each time is too good to be true. ”
Spinning, the earth grows dizzy. “You are the one who abandons me in the dark.”
Above the horizon, the sun smiles. “Clairvoyance is buried inside of you. You know I will always return.”
The sun’s amber skin radiates along coasts and cities, intensifying. Brightness diminishes- night turns into day into night once more.
“I’m still alive for you, love.” The earth tucks in the trails of dusk as the sun cradles revolving planets.
“See you again, soon.”
thought of the first two lines while driving and touched on the rest just now, wish I could magically pull out all of the right words