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Sep 2015
When you are happy with someone, and I mean truly happy to the point where the stars in their eyes couldn't shine brighter or their scent couldn't be more intoxicating. You breathe in this happiness like a breath of fresh air. Dive deeper into unknown depths. Travel the world with no destination, climb higher mountains, seek the happiness it seems like no one could live without. You want to wrap them up with you like a warm blanket. You pray for colder nights so you could have an excuse to be consumed in their arms, wrapped up in them in their bed sheets. Their laughter seems contagious and you want to catch it like a cold. You want their light from their smile to be your sun and when you listen to their heartbeat its your melody, and you want to sing a song, you want to run up the street yelling, screaming their name. At this point their happiness is your cup of tea and it couldn't be any sweeter. This happiness soon goes away when you see their packing their bags, see they are running away from home and one day they just leave. They leave an mark on your heart that you can't scrub off. It feels permanent like its going to stay. Suddenly you feel like you are holding on to every breath, every tear, every little memory they left behind. You keep the things they left close to your bed. You hope that they come back and everyday seems to get harder. You feel like you can't live with out their touch. You would give everything up just to hear their laugh again. Until one day you don't spend nights drinking the whole bottle, You begin to breathe easier and your days spent thinking about their name on your tongue doesn't burn. Your shattered heart seems a little patched up like the teddy bear you had when you were four and your mouth seems to talk less and less about how they made you feel when they held your hand or touched your skin. They become a distant memory. Days seem like months, and it doesn't seem to hurt as much when you stop wondering, you stop searching for their face on a crowded street. Stop looking for every sign that's going to bring you back to them. You stop waiting for them to come back. You are able to close the curtain. You put this old love back on the shelf and you don't wait for them anymore, you don't wait for them to call your name. One day you forget it all and this is when you learn to be truly happy.
Marlena Elizabeth
Written by
Marlena Elizabeth
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