alone . strong, wise, driven, loyal. He has lived and loved, and chosen to be alone until something better comes along. something more than physical love.
He found what he was looking for. Her soul was vibrant and beautiful; a goddess muse. She kissed him and knew it not; her naked words and firm young flesh excited him ... his wealth of wisdom and experience mocked him for falling in love with a soul ... a forbidden one at that.
The old man had a need to feed, she was a hungry young goddess needing to be fed. Where is her champion? Who cares for this young sprite? Who dries her tears and comforts her throughout the night? He reminded himself again that it was only her soul, but still, he touched himself... saying her name to make it a little more real, "Candace," he whispered. Then he listened ... just in case. Just in case she whispered back.