"strange" is declared of person who rationalizes that matter if non-human non-animal non-living merits recognition as being good on it's own
but really are we the ultimate stewards of absolute purpose?
what confirms our judgement
in deeming what deserves to exist for it's own and what belongs to our means and ours alone?
is it so fantastic to suggest that by some means of indefiniteness of intangible comprehension all matter is fundamentally intertwined in the sense everything is stardust created by the universe's omnipotent hand?
don't you ever get the feeling inside of your conscious too?
doesn't your awareness ever whisper as a sentience you have an obligation from some unspoken contract signed before birth to uphold the integrity of everything that inhabits this earth whether or not it thinks in the way you do?
for what purpose we exist assembled into abrupt profound togetherness remains undecided
earth's fabrications will survive harmoniously but will you do the same?