A degree unlike any to mankind O lord, thou hath sent me a goddess; Teeth, pearlied whitened, hair black Tagalog golden parlance, gem strapped.
Felicity hath abducted me Into mine Jane's melting heat; Her fire is as if the burning bush Whence back when God didst to Moses speak.
Mine creator created her And saweth it was good; He stitched her from mine rib As mine heart, molded in her ladyhood.
Commandment's he hath layed out To be endowed to mine empress queen; Ourn endearment contracted on blood moon's Saturn's color's to write out, the many year's to be the ring's.
As time wilt passeth on Mine needing for her shalt get bigger; I canst liveth without mine Filipino rose She's mine lover, soulmate, angelic figure.