This is a short poetic/politic statement. Those in power understand that the pen is mightier than the sword. Where is this pen located? Somewhere between my tongue and two lips. When the words I speak are met with much public approval; that is power. So if I want to maintain my power in the eyes of "My Public" I am going to give your ears what I know they want to hear. Having absorbed all this, you'll be able to better understand the context upon which this article was written.
What the politicians do best--- Courting World Opinion
News is used to justify their views Understanding political objectives Controlling minds with disinformation Letting us think everything is under control Ending all major offenses on a positive note Allowing for personal agendas to be camouflaged Reinforcing a supremacy and will of might, that once (upon a time) really existed
Winning all of their objectives, in the marketplace of world opinion Attempting to represent the people, having been promoted from rank of attorney Reinventing the theory of a believing public, despite years of promoting misinformation campaigns to pursue hidden goals