It is rather funny how after awhile you can't even feel your heart break,
the pain becomes so common and you are feeble and weak,
your attempts to smile grow less and less convincing,
and when people try conversing, you find yourself resisting,
you are the rose left in the darkness,
you are what the sky would look like if it was starless,
you breathe but your lungs do not expand fully,
and everything you do reminds you of him cruelly,
your emptiness is in every song ever written,
it's the space between the breaths of the words to which people fall smitten,
devoid of emotion and virtually nothing,
such a heavy silence and it is you that it's crushing,
you are the stones that sink to the ocean floor,
you are the forgotten casualty in this never ending war,
you are every emotion held back out of fear,
and the ringing of his voice is all you hear,
darling, no longer should you let your tears fall,
release yourself from the shackles that keep you from standing tall,
there is always a price for the freedom you seek,
remember that you were not built to be meek,
He is every second-chance ever given,
every intricate reason to learn from indecision,
He is every cut that isn't fatal,
and he is not your last betrayal,
let yourself be broken and let yourself feel,
embrace every memory as it plays back on a reel,
trust the unknown even when you do not agree,
one day you will understand why it was never meant to be,
right now you can't fathom how any of this is true,
but believe me when I say, sometimes heartbreak saves you.
Β© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved