Here I was overthinking everything It's a bit selfish of me really I need to expand my mind Think of others What they're doing What may be masking their thoughts right now You won't fall in love with another girl over there I've been reading my journal today of old times with you The memories we shared The conversations we had How you'd protect me and make sure I was safe Never let me sleep until I was alright again Solve my problems for me Help me Give me a hand with even little silly things Help me see the light Show me that it's not as bad as it may seem Show me that sometimes my perspective isn't the only perspective and help me to see through other people's eyes You've helped me with everything And I'm eternally grateful The way you look at me The way you hug me The way you've held my hand The way you put your arms around me to keep me safe I'm silly for ever forgetting that Re reading these memories Brought tears to my eyes Happy tears Because I finally realised My mind is being silly It's because I miss you I overthink these things Your extremely busy And I forgot that Good luck for your competition in an hour You'll do great Can't wait to see you again soon And have a safe trip on Tuesday Much love :) x