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Jul 2015
Do you think life is unfair?
Do you think we are worth it?
Do you think there's still hope?
Who knows?

But maybe there's still hope
Maybe there's still star amidst the dark sky
Maybe there's still sun beyond the dark clouds
Maybe there's still a flower in spite of the winter
Or maybe, just maybe, we are too stuck up to notice everything
Maybe, we'reΒ Β just too busy to notice that the rain had stopped falling

Perhaps, there's still hope

Perhaps, like flowers, we will bloom
Maybe not now, but a little bit soon
Perhaps, like stars, we'll bright again
So bright that we can no longer see the end
Perhaps we'll find the light that we're longing for
I don't know when, but I know it's worth the soar.
You might be in a dark place right now but sooner or later, you'll find the light. It seems like you won't but you will.
Written by
Dangle  Mnl PH
(Mnl PH)   
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