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Jun 2015
You know ...
I'd rather ... Stand Trial ... !!!
than ... " Live in DENIAL " ... !!!!!
cos' ... "Denial" ... is a ...
..... " SICKNESS " ..... !!!
that's groWING ... with ...
..... " Quickness " ..... !!!!
Denial ... of ... "TRUTH"
makes me ... Hit the Roof ... !!!
But ... is ... NOT ...
.... " A Problem " ....
I have to ... go through ... !!!
Is ... " DENIAL " ... You ... ?!?
If it is ... You're a ... FOOL ... !!!
You must have ... " ISSUES " ... !!!!!
DON'T ... Lie ...
to ... Yourself ... !!!!!
Why be ... " So Untrue " ... !?!?!
I haven't got time ... !!!!!
to feel ... " Sorry " ... for you ...
SEE …… !!!! …….
That's what I mean ...
I Don't ... Lie to people ...
My Conscience ... is ... CLEAN ... !!!!!
I've Lied ... in this life ...
But ... Don't think ...
that it's ... Right ...
to keep your opinions
"well hidden" ... from sight ...
So ....
Let's talk about ... WHITES ... !!!!
It's ... THAT TIME ... !!!!!
to deal with .... " Racism " ....
in ... " Poetic Rhyme " ... !!! ...
Some white folk ... are ...
........ SLIME .......... !!!!!!!!!!!
These people are ... " Primed "
to ... " LIVE IN " ... DENIAL ... !!!
Pretty much ... " All The Time " ... !?!
I just can't ... " COMPREHEND " ... !!?!!
why they try to ... " Defend " ...
"I'm not a racist !
I've got some,
Black Friends !!!"
See ....
"These" ... are ... The Ones ...
who make ... " Racist Comments "
LIKE .....
"Why can't black people ?
stay out of prisons ?!?"
Maybe because ... ?!?
We have to contend ...
with ... " People Like You " ... !!!
who are ... " POLICEMEN " ... !!!!!!
or classics like .... THIS .... !!!
"Black men have, no brain,
but, one thing they can do,
is sure, Entertain !!!!!"
See ...
" This " ... is ... " DENIAL "
All Over ... " AGAIN " ... !!!!!
It's ... simply a ... " Version "
Let's say ... " A New Strain " ...
These are the ... White Folks ...
Who ... " NEED TO " ... Refrain ... !!!!!
from saying ... such things ...
that could bring them ... PAIN ... !!!!!!!!
cos' ... " Many " ...
Young Blacks ...
now ... want to ...
" Cut Veins "
or ... Pick up ... A GUN ... !!!
and quickly ... " Take Aim " ... !!!!!
So ... let's talk about ...
....... BLACKS ....... !!!
and let's talk some ...
........ FACTS ...... !!!!!!
How many ... Young Blacks ...
are now ..... " Selling Crack " ..... ?!?
More than we ... "Mention" ... !!!
just check out ... Some Rap ... !!!
They ... " CLAIM " ... !!!!
to speak ... " TRUTH " ... !!!!!
So ....
Let's ... NOT ... " Pretend " ...
or ... try to ... " Defend " ... !?!?!
Too Many ... of us ...
are ..... NOT .....
Living ... " COOL " ...
We do have ... " Some Blacks "
WHO DO ... " Act The Fool " ... !!!
What about ... Black Men ... ?
who ... BEAT UP ... Black Women ... !?!
and then ... " Like to Say " ...
That ... " Black Love " ...
..... Is The Way .....
What about those ... who say ...
" They don't like white girls !!! "
But ... sleep with white girls ...
Under ... cover of night ... !!! ? !!!
What about those ...
with kids ... They Don't See ...
Telling their girl ....
"Baby .... I'm ready !!!"
They've got ... ALL THE TALK ... !!!
to get the .... " ***** " ....  !!!!!
Some black me do ... RUN ... !!!
and shun their ... " Duties " ... !!!!!
No wonder some children
are ... RUDE and ANGRY ... !!!!!
when men ... " Drift Awaaaaayyyy " .........
like ships ... " Lost at sea " ...
In truth ...
these are problems of ...
........ " Humanity " ..........
Affecting ... All Groupings ...
All Colours ... and ... Creeds ... !!!!!
My wordplay will ... RILE ... !!!!!
if you live in ... " DENIAL " ...
This isn't a movie ... !!!
We're not in ... 8 Mile ... !!!!!
But ......
Before I go ...
Here is ... My Last Flow ...
of .... " Poetic Prose " ....
" Denial of " .... " REASON "
is basically .... " TREASON "
which is a ...... " Betrayal " .....
of the ... Concept of ... " BEING "
" Illogical Thinking "
can leave people .....
..... " SEETHING " ..... !!!!!!
Here is the ... Subject ...
So people ....
" Deep Breathing " .... !!!!!!
This idea of ...  " Black Rights "
and ... " Gay Rights " ... as one ...
is ... CLEARLY ... Quite Stupid ... !!!
and basically ... " DUMB " ... !!!!!! ...
Gay persecution ...
is NOT ... A solution ... !!!
It's ... CLEAR ... !!!
that some think ...
It's a form of ... " Pollution " ... !!!
" Racism " ... is ... " HATE " ... !!!
Racists ... have it ... EASY ... !!!!!!!
They ... KNOW ... A Black Face ... !!!!!
But ... how many people ...
Can TELL ... Who is ... GAY ... !!!???!!!
I'm ... NOT ... A Gay Hater ...
That's just ... " How I Stay " ... !!!
Remember ... Those Words ...
Have a ... "Water Tight Case" ... !!!!!
So ....
" DON'T " .... Try to say ...
that i'm ... Brandishing Hate ... !!!!!
cos that may result ....
in me getting ... " IRATE " ... !!!!!
..... " THE TRUTH " .....
is ...... My Style ......
All this .... " FALSENESS " ....
is ............... " VILE " ......... !!!!!!!!!
These are .... " The Reasons " ....
I'd rather ... STAND TRIAL ...
than be a ... " Fake Person " ...
and ...... Live In ........
…….. “ DENIAL ” ……..
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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