The world seems to be angry...rebelling Waters rise, and flood the surfaces The earth opens its mouth and just swallows Skies are turning darker Some areas never see light Thunder gets to be louder, Lightnings are fiercer, It's not surprising when they spew fire, People die fast, some old, some very young Babies are born by the second Their futures unknown, Their safety compromised Not a pleasant scenario And yet, we still look up to the Heavens There is love...there is hope.
When we are in dire straits, When nothing, or no one can be swayed, Some light, or somebody Will pave the way towards a resolution Or a compromise to start on. Amidst a tumultuous crowd, There is space found There is air to breathe We prayΒ Β We make peace rule the heart and mind Ahead...and behind, Because of love Every hurdle could be overcome, Things would be fine!
On a morning after the storm When the gray sky refuses to become white, Somehow, a little sun tries to peep with a shine, To smile... shyly on us.