I look at you over my morning cup of tea, Examining every wrinkle in your amiable face, Each one marking a moment of happiness. Compassion drips from your eyes, like your coffee onto the saucer. Drip, drip, drip. The corners of your worn mouth curl into a warm smile, And a soft chuckle comes from within. But the cruelness of time transforms it into a cough So that by the time it reaches your withered lips it merely reminds me Of your age. Time has disfigured your laughter- Now it only serves as an impatient ticking. Tick, tick, tick Towards the impending doom.
You are transfixed by the dancing words in front of you, I see your eyes dart across the page, Chasing each letter with a desperate yearning. You, like I, recognise the beauty of words- It was you who taught me to allow the words to be free. I still remember how your gentle voice rippled over my bedsheets like tsunami tides of wisdom, Transporting me to a million different worlds All at once.
You continue to sip your coffee, And I my tea, Words uniting our disparity.