It's a full moon in the winter with that heavy golden glow around it It's a love we all knew in the autumn when the temperature drops and the desire for warmth grows stronger It's a blatant spot of black in the whitest snow I've never seen It's the last light of day during daylight savings that keeps me up for the rest of the night It's the saltiest tear running down the saddest face I can't catch It's the nightmares that shake you from slumber or the dream you wish you could go back to It's the last breath you take before you dive bomb into the pool in your best friend's yard It's the bruise on your shin and the cut on your arm you got for your mistakes It's the hickey and the claw marks you got from the best *** of your life It's the fall, it's the rise, it's everything we do, see, touch and taste It's life Don't let it go to waste