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May 2015
There is a tale that you've always heard.
The story about the sun falling in love with the moon.
But here is a new legend
About the light-sent and the darkness-purged.

She was the daughter of the sun.
And he was the son of the moon.
She was morning's princess.
Beautiful as she holds the world's luminations in her eyes.
While he; he was night's prowler.
Quiet as his domain was the darkness.

As such as the sun and the moon,
They were destined for each other.
But such as Fate's ironies and games,
Their love was inevitably impossible.
They only catch glimpses of each other
At every dusk and every dawn.
But that wasn't enough for the purged.

While she was calm and silent with her primmed smile,
Shining the earth,
He was tired of being lonely
Wallowing in the unmoving darkness.

One night, he called up to Fate.

I don't want to be alone anymore! I can't stand this eternal void alone!

As he shouted, the sent heard and listened.
Her smile widened but her eyes were clouded with tears.
The earth was shrouded in clouds and storms.

Then Fate smiled and told the purged:

  How are you so lonely when you were never alone? You were always with your brethren.

Fate spoke as Fate showed him the stars.

  The light-sent always shone bright, even if she was truly alone. She brought light to the world without a doubt.

He became silent.

The time where him and her would see each other came.
And when he saw her clouded eyes,
He disappeared.
She waited for him to come back,
Yet he waited for her to leave.
When she gave up and left, only was the time he came back.

The next twilight came,
And he readied himself to see her.
But she never appeared.
Because she already left.

The next day, that time approached again.
They both showed up
But they didn't look at each other.
He knew she was there.
And she knew he was there too.
Always at dusk and dawn, they came.
But never again did they catch a glimpse of each other.

*never again
Been seeing a lot of sun-moon/day-night stuff. Thought I'd make one as well.
Written by
Brent  22/M/MNL, PH
(22/M/MNL, PH)   
       bless and Walter W Hoelbling
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