I'm ****** up. I'm drunk right now. Isn't it hilarious? The last time I was like this was two months ago. Two months ago when I lost my "best" ******* friend. Make it stop. Save me from this stupid thing called love. I'm incapable of true love. Is it because of him, her, you, me? I ask like it matters. I ask like it ever mattered. Ha, good one... ******* HOLD ME. Don't touch me. Come back to me. Never leave. She's gone. It's my fault too. Who cares though? I don't because, well, I'm a ******* mess. I feel nothing. Nothing at all. I don't exist. I'm not dead. I'm just nothingness. I'm nothingness wishing for a drip. An IV drip. Drip from the Molly. The drip from the X. Numbness from the narcotics. Kiss me. Leave me. I'll rock your world. Then ask you to go. I'm saving you. I promise.