Remember me as a Letter Carefully written in order to best explain Everything it is I could not seem to say write me easy write me deeply write me only once.
Remember me as a Love Song Structurally crafted lyrics filled with melodies Sweeter than the first time we met sing me to your mother sing me to your lover sing me to your children
Remember me as a Poem Metaphor coloured emotions Putting together moments amidst events That never really happened But we would swear over and over That actually did colour me purple colour me blue colour me Red
Remember me in your Nightmares Think of me on those nights that simply closing your eyes Causes fear to prickle on your skin And adrenaline to race through your veins close your eyes anyway embrace the feeling of helplessness let it help you remember
Remember me when you Don't Want To Promise to think of me in those moments when Remembering numbs you more than feeling nothing at all love me easy love me deeply love me only once