She drowns me in her blood now and then, boiling, burning and choking sticky crimson stripping me to sizzling pieces of flesh, as if each drop a piranha.
Every time this happens I'm nauseated at myself. My life flashes before my eyes, her words of frustration in my absence provide the narration while my mind writes the score composed using chewing chattering shattering bones with flashbacks of every time no matter how big or small I've wronged her, like once when I grabbed her hair as she was kissing me. The only thing stopping me from hanging myself with a barbed-wire noose is the grit of my beating heart's rhythm tapping out in morse code that I will be reborn into a minescule of a better person for a certain amount of time until this cycle happens all over again.
Truly, there is honor, to die in this manner. But the agony leaves me almost permanently moonstruck. As my skin skalds and bones dissolve, there's no telling if, or when I will be reborn or languish in this this precipice of death.