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Nick Moser
May 2015
I Wonder What Birthdays in Heaven Are Like
To my mother, Gina,
Who's watching over me.
Today is your birthday.
You would have been 50.
You had me when you were 31,
And left me when you were 49.
No one knew that you were going.
No one still knows why at this time.
You were an angel of a woman.
A healer and a helper.
As I was growing up I'd say,
"I wanna be just like her!"
Even though life hit you hard,
You wouldn't let it phase you.
You'd keep a beautiful smile.
Oh, this much is true.
When you passed away,
It was a sudden blow.
Like from my chest my heart was ripped.
And from my body too was my soul.
Everyday I cry tears.
I leave the evidence on my shirt.
These tears stains are just evidence.
Evidence that it still hurts.
And today is your birthday.
May 2 is the date.
Today is your birthday.
50 is the age.
But you're not in the next room over.
Not there for me to run to.
I can't come say "Happy Birthday."
And you're not there to say "Thank you."
You're up in Heaven.
The big glorious kingdom in the sky.
And it's just got me thinking,
I wonder what birthdays in heaven are like.
You're celebrating a new life.
Eternal life is the name.
You get to walk those golden streets.
And never feel any pain.
But down here on earth,
We miss you, oh we do.
And it's heartbreaking that we have to go to a graveside.
Just to sing "Happy Birthday" to you.
But even through the pain,
There's still happiness here.
Knowing we get to celebrate you.
Is the greatest celebration my dear!
So today is your day.
Our celebration will ring through.
Happy 50th Birthday Mom.
I love and miss you.
Happy 29 again Mom
Written by
Nick Moser
Greenville, SC
(Greenville, SC)
Elena Thelou
Emma Livry
Pradip Chattopadhyay
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