scars of a past I wanted nothing to do with led me to handcuff myself to a lampole for security.
I had reached my consensus.
I threw the keys to these cuffs in mental portals where I thought no one would dare to ever travel.
Many tried searching but I intentionally obstructed access with deceptive rants of fear and caution.
By then I was sure that I had thoroughly built walls of security; I was safe ...but who would've thought my aesthetically intellectual design had a weakness?
The enemy came just as they all did, hoping to be let in... but this one reacted differently when the ranting came; I was now at a disadvantage because I had no other alternatives for defense.
The enemy showed no care for my security; It was attractive And I succumbed while Never forgetting my plan Although it seemed my design was nugatory.
My mental lampole and cuffs, gone.
I was left subjugated at the feet of a queen who carried an aura with the most beautiful spectrum.
Like a bull snake, promises of security grappled my core, draining it of all fear leaving behind no traces of deception.
Although defeated, she still remains my enemy because serendipity never seems to stick around.
Random Thoughts - I know my poetry isn't as pellucid so you can just ask me what it's about or ask me to clarify anything that may not be understood.