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Apr 2015
some of us live for our families
others live to be above their enemies,
freedom means we are kept to make our own decisions
the battle to live is still in question,
so i ask, what do we live for?

Could it be because we'd rather appreciate our god given rights
or to try to survive each and everyday and win fights
smile while you can, and push through today,
and worry about the future later
who will come down and take the role as our saviour?
the battle to win is still in question,
so i ask, what do we live for?

Is it the religous beliefs we are taught to abide by
or to keep our children giggling so they forget to cry
either way, the bliss is found amongst the above situation
will we all sustain a level of understanding and compassion
is it in belief or kindess,
we are all here for each other to eliminate loneliness
so the battle to win is still in question,
so i ask, what do we live for?

It might take a century for us to pick up the sword
its not something that needs to be kept on a score board,
is it the pain we all surcome to
i'm thinking its the mistakes we dont learn from that is true
so could it be that we are all modified to lack and forsee
or are we stored to never recognize that we need to be
i think its us to think and set our minds free
so the final war is still in question,
so i humbly ask, what do we live for?

who and what do we live for? To answer that question, is like looking through an everlasting bottom of a well...
Kayden Fittini
Written by
Kayden Fittini  London
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