Well, walking into well set traps... Convince us we're all fools, Strip us of our cares and make Us speak only when spoken to.
A victim on every street corner Pandering for change, the same, It'll be another dry penniless day, A vague charade became a silly play, In this play men and women are cut and dry, Straight marriage-happily ever after-American pie.
It's always been the same, this silly little game, And when it's over we'll just pick up the pieces, Those idiots ruined everything for us, failures, Before we're finished we'll blame them for it all, The messed up elections, the crime on the streets, It's all the libtards fault!
Or is it really? Ignorance is not to far from what makes This world one where "winners" and "losers" take Shots at each other, finding they were wronged again And again and again!
Kind of like in a court room "social brawl" where Two "feuding families" wont admit they are all at Fault, all breeding war and pain and suffering in vain.